1. JavaScript
Often included alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript (or JS) is known as the “language of the World Wide Web”. Being used to add functionality and dynamic behavior to otherwise static webpages.
As of 2023, 63.61% of client-side pages and webapps utilize JS in their source worldwide.
2. Python
As of 2023, 49.28% of developers around the world use Python.
3. SQL
4. PHP
Originally signifying “personal homepage”, PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. A server-side HTML-embedded script language designed to help create more dynamic webpages. PHP is open source, leaving support up to the community to maintain.
As of 2023, 18.58% of the world utilizes PHP on its webpages.
5. GO
Similar to C in syntax, Go is a compiled, high-level programming language invented by developers at Google. Notable features include, memory safety, garbage collection, and structural typing, making it an ideal choice for networking and infrastructure application.
As of 2023, 13.24% of the world’s developers use GO.